She thinks I may have a kidney stone on top of a kidney infection. I was passing blood, which lead her to the infection part, and the stomach/lower back pain makes her think stone. Yippee. I'm hoping she's wrong. But at least I've got some Cipro (I'm allergic to just about all the antibiotics out there) to help. But it has to start working by Wednesday morning or else I have to get a CT scan (at least that's what I thought she said, I kinda zoned out imagining what passing a kidney stone might feel like, maybe like peeing out a horse chestnut? or one of those little grabbers that cling to your socks when you walk through a field? I think I'll go to the ER and get doped up if it happens) Can you get an epidural for kidney stones?
Brady and I had a better day too. Larry was home from work too. And we took him and Natalie on a tour of the firehouse on Indian st (a cute and apparently single firefighter there, ladies)then at bedtime tonight, he tried to act up, and I resorted to my genius nanny Carly and made his belly button talk to him. I grabbed the little flap of skin and made a lip. Carly always peers into his belly button and asks "Fred" what he's doing in there. Tonight he was taking a bubble bath and moving the grass. Fred saved the day. Or night. Whatever, it worked.
But he did have a tantrum after Larry said goodnight. I think Brady thought he was working us over pretty good and was mad that the fun had to end (at 9:15).
Yet another ride on the roller coaster of life with my guy.
12 years ago
Hope you get feeling better soon! If that kidney stone starts reading it's ugly head, don't hesitate to head to the ER and get some pain relief. I've heard they're pretty darn painful. Let me know if I can do anything!
ohhh HB - you've had a rough time lately - sounds like someone needs a vacation - to Minnesota maybe? hmmmm - the offer is always open :)
So sorry to hear what your are dealing with. I hope if it is a stone, that you pass it fast (than you can show it off!!!!).
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