So a couple of years ago I suffered from a sudden onset of Vertigo. And it stuck around for a couple of months leaving me with a huge crick in my neck (presumeably from trying to "still" myself from spinning). It's like getting the drunk spins (or so I've heard, I really don't know much about those...)
I went and saw a quack called a Cranio-Sacral Therapist who breathed out my bad energy while only touching me with the tips of his fingers. It worked. No shit. And I had don't every conventional therapy, pill, herb, massage, you name it. And this voodoo crap stopped it.
But it didn't cure it. And last night at about 2:30 I woke up with the spins. Which I don't understand since I was sound asleep. And I didn't even have the beers that would induce such night spins.
All the tests that were performed when this all first happened were inconclusive. I don't have a tumor (It's not a tu-muh!) And the only diagnosis I found for myself online is called Meniere's Disease. Which means you get occasional dizzy spells. Whatever. It sucks. It zaps my energy and I get that pit in your stomach like after you've ridden one too many rides at the fair after eating a funnel cake and a basket of curly fries.
I think it's over, a shower washed it away this morning, I hope it doesn't return tonight. Ugh.
And I got lectured about Vitamin D twice today, I may have to lecture all of you on it shortly. But for now I'm going to bed.
OH! Larry just told me that I get to dog-sit Munch's dogs this weekend! He has the perfect dogs (breed wise anyway) and I can't wait to get my hands on them. Fats is a pug (except he's tall and skinny) and Molly is a bulldog. I really want a bulldog, but the size of their mouth scares me a little now that I've actually played with one. And both dogs snore I believe. So they may come play here during the day, but sleep back at their house. I don't do snoring. I can hear Katie snoring outside during the summer when the windows are open and it drives me nuts. Once, when I was a little girl, I spent the night at my Grandma Iva's house. She snored so loudly (from 2 doors down) and she was so intimidating, that I called my parents in the middle of the night to drive the 20 minutes to rescue me. I don't do well with snoring. I don't snore, I just hold conversations with Lar while I sleep, then we argue the next day because he thinks we actually discussed something. Always the multi-tasker, I am.
12 years ago
Glad the spins went away. How yucky.
Oh, and remind me to never sleep with you. I snore.
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