So I stopped at Freddies today to grab a couple of things and I noticed that sunblock was on sale (I hope to need more of it by the end of this summer!). I looked around and they had some that I liked and it had a orange coupon thing that said $1.00 off, LIMIT TWO. So I grabbed 2 and a coupon and finished shopping.
By the time we got to the checkout I was frazzled, the kids were chasing and pinching each other and I was ready to be done.
Enter my cashier. She was very friendly until the coupon. She says "Is this yours?" Um, yea. She scans it once. I say "I had 2." She snips "you only have one coupon. If you want to walk back there and get another, go ahead." So my know-it-all self chides "The coupon says LIMIT TWO on it, why would I need another coupon?" She tries to be a smartass and says that it's a manufacturer coupon (it is,but it's a in-store promotion too. I've worked retail, I know what the deal is.) and if I want another dollar off, then I can go back and get another coupon.
At this time another shopper comes up behind me, so I feel bad for making her wait, but just for spite (and my dollar) I have to haul both kids halfwway through the store to get another frickin coupon. I'm pissy when I get back and slide it at her. She is all friendly once again, but I'm not buyin it this time. I make a comment about how she needs to read and understand. So I'm all bent out of shape over a dollar. But it was more than that. I read the damn coupon before I walked away from the display of sunblock. The coupon says $1.00 off, limit two. Does that not mean that that coupon is good for 2 bottles? Because every other coupon I've used that is for cents off and has a limit of 5, that means I can buy 5 of that item for that much off per unit. Right?
And besides the fact, if I'm wrong, why do I have to haul myself and 2 children across the damn store? Can't a courtesy clerk do that? Isn't that their job? Fuckers.
12 years ago
I'm with ya sister!!
hahaha I can't wait to see you nexxt week. That was hysterical.
Jackie, I totally thought of you the whole way home, I almost called you to yell about this.
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