Natalie posing on Onyx. The boys getting their "weenies squished!" on Brewster.
Best Buddies.
Natalie riding off in the sunset.
We headed down to Erin's folks' house Sunday to let the boys "be boys" and get some horseback riding in. Ever since the fair and the rodeo, the kids have been bugging me to go horseback riding, so I sent a little love note to Erin and mooched an invitation.
Erin, Willow (her mom) and I went on a nice ride up in the wooded trails above their home, and shook us up real good. My horse, Brewster, was as slow as molasses getting up to the trail head, but then tried to canter several times on the trails (which is a little nerve wracking for a novice rider like me). And then he really played a dirty trick on me, we were stepping over a root, and Brewster decided to jump it. Let's just say I wasn't prepared for that.
Then the kids got to hop on the horses and we took them for a little walk, they were thrilled; and the boys loved to have an excuse to keep shrieking "He's squishing my weenie!" over and over again. Erin's sister Belinda got a real eye opener to boys behavior. Christian is usually such a sweet and obedient boy when he's with her. But throw another boy in to the mix, and he becomes a powder keg of stick-throwing, gun-shooting, ramp-jumping, poo/pee talking little monster. And Brady's there to light the match!
Fun! I love horseback riding, but alas, it leaves my knees in agony. Not to mention my butt.
I am so JEALOUS! I want to go again! Maybe we can do some sort of dude ranch vaca for the women! Just for women. With only cowBOYS to help us out.
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