Natalie happy to pose on each pumpkin ("how 'bout this mom? over here mom!)
If you don't have your readers on, the scale reads at 68 pounds.

On the hunt for The Great Pumpkin (see above).

On the hunt for The Great Pumpkin (see above).
I keep meaning to take a picture of this "Thomas Kincaid" house in Ferndale. Today I remembered.

N running from her daddy in the leaves.

N taunting her daddy after her great escape.

She celebrated too early.

Finally caught.

Our little dimple girl.
A couple of smooches for the road.

The small one was the kid's creation (Lar's construction) and the big one is supposed to be a Mickey Mouse pumpkin (we're making the ears bigger tomorrow so it doesn't look like a bear anymore.)
So far my favorite cookies (that I can't bear to eat) are the Candy corn ones and the...

Spider web ones.

Little Betty Crocker (she's Canadian isn't she? I thought her home was in Victoria?)

Larry and I took Natalie to Memorial park after she got out of school and played in the remaining falling leaves (great photo op's people!). Then retrieved the B-man and headed to Boxx Berry farm where we got our fill of pumpkins.
N running from her daddy in the leaves.
N taunting her daddy after her great escape.
She celebrated too early.
Finally caught.
Our little dimple girl.

The small one was the kid's creation (Lar's construction) and the big one is supposed to be a Mickey Mouse pumpkin (we're making the ears bigger tomorrow so it doesn't look like a bear anymore.)
Spider web ones.
Little Betty Crocker (she's Canadian isn't she? I thought her home was in Victoria?)
This morning Miss Amelia ( I think Brady believes her birth name is "Melers") came over and played at our house this morning while Jen and Aiden got to go on a field trip (Brady goes tomorrow with Larry. I think he's more interested in the bus ride there.)
Little Miss Amelia was so much fun to have around, and Larry just thinks she's the cutest (he only sees her from time to time, so he's always surprised by her new accomplishments). After Natalie left for school, Amelia helped me roll out cookie dough and wash dishes. She was such a big helper, and quite a talented baker (her cookies were delish).
Larry and I took Natalie to Memorial park after she got out of school and played in the remaining falling leaves (great photo op's people!). Then retrieved the B-man and headed to Boxx Berry farm where we got our fill of pumpkins.
And I really need to go to the grocery store... I've yet to do a real "shop" since we got back home so tonight Larry ate a frozen Shepherds pie, the kids had a Red Baron frozen pizza, and I had a bean burrito. Then we all had our fill of sugar cookies and worked off the sugar carving pumpkins.
Good day.
**And if you want to see how Bunco was last night at my house (hint... awesome) head over to Brooke's blog, the Gat Clan Chronicles and check out her photos of the ladies. And I made mini caramel apples for the party. I'll be making those again, but for my own "private" party. Have mercy, they were yummy. I took and apple and my melon baller and made a "mini apple" with it. I stuck a stick in the apple and then dipped them in caramel. After that cooled, I dipped them in white chocolate. But it doesn't stop there. Before the white chocolate sets I sprinkled them with cinnamon and sugar. Yeah.
Fun fun! I need to get out to get some pumpkins and go to the farm.
Thanks for the tip on the photo op, I will be heading there this weekend.
Your treats sound yummy!
Thanks for taking care of Amelia yesterday. She does love to help in the kitchen!
Hey, I paid for that Thomas Kincaid house. Kinda. The guy who I bought the apartments from sold them to build his "dream house". There's lots of hunter green and maroon inside (ha ha ha)!
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