Sunday, March 1, 2009

Girls! Girls! Girls!

According to reports from adult party-goers: Natalie had made claims that this Unicorn given to her by Pearl is named Horndy (or some variation, I think everyone was told a different name, to keep the heat off the unicorn. You have to protect their identity when you're dealing with mythical creatures), and he is a good Unicorn, but can sometimes be EVIL.

Natalie had her party today. And I'll cry if I wanna. Actually it was a lot of fun, but a house full of 4 year old girls can put your senses in overdrive. And all that work we put into cleaning the house: undone.

Larry did, however, pack us all up and take us out for Mexican for dinner (not in Ferndale, Sabina!) so I didn't have to cook on top of everything else today.

Natalie had a super time, loved seeing all of her friends (and Unc-ee, her new pet name for Uncle Richard). Snoopy even made a cameo appearance!

(I'll add more photos tomorrow. Larry had the camera on some goofy setting, so most are out of focus and all of the children have red-eye. I'm too pooped to edit. I'm kinda miffed about the photos too, but I'm trying to let it go)