I was playing around with the camera in our backyard taking pictures of our hops plant and Brady's sunflowers (you know, the ones that the kids bring home in the Styrofoam cup) when Larry mentioned that he drove by this enormous field of sunflowers on his ride today (in which he flatted in a corner and crashed. He has bad road rash and ruined his shoes, gloves, and brake hood. The safety gear worked! It was his first crash of any significance in over 10 years, so he still has a pretty good track record.) We drove out to the field and had fun taking pictures and talking to the kids about honey bees and showing them their hairy legs heavy with pollen.
Brady thought the sunflowers were too girly and refused to have his picture taken near them, so I grabbed him "wike my widdle baby" which threw him into a fit of hysterics. "Do that again, mom!"
12 years ago
Beautiful pictures, Heather!
great maco shots!
Cool! where are they?
From my house: Up Everson-Goshen, turn right onto Hemmi, they'll be right on your left.
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