This week? Meh. We did fun stuff, but still. Meh.
I'm starting to not like Wednesdays so much... they're not terrible, they're just not my favorite. It's the day the kids come back from their dads... and while the process is smooth, it seems that certain children think that every Wednesday is reason to celebrate with oh... I don't know... McDonalds for dinner? Or Red Robin? How about Billy McHales? Can you call Domino's and order pizza? Who can come over? Can we go to Sam and Zoe's? Can Grandma come over?
And Brady is growing or something, he is hungry (and this is the boy who won't eat anything of substance) from the moment I pick him up until I put him to bed (sometimes he goes to bed hungry). And now I'm playing phone tag with Children's Hospital, I have everything in order to get him an evaluation to help me help him with transitions and general bullshit, but they don't answer their phone (they even tell you "we're busy, you'll probably have to leave a message" which tells me that phone screening is NOT a priority) and they only have called me while I'm in the middle of classroom training. So I told my trainer "look, if my phone rings the magic number, I'm taking it. It's like the golden ticket" but of course since I said that did they call? Uh, no.
I am so looking forward to not setting my alarm for 5:15 tomorrow. Let the sun (please let there be sun tomorrow!) wake me, or my kids crawling into bed for some early morning snuggles stir me, but nothing else.
And I plan on moving my blog address on Monday. I've decided that's moving day. So everything will stay the same, I'm just going to change the URL, so if you've got me saved to your favorites (admit it, you totally do) that little link won't work anymore. I'll post the new address tomorrow. I think I will anyway. If I get out of bed, that is.
We went to Brady's school Thursday night and listened to a 1950's themed concert and drank root beer floats.
Tuesday night Kamikazes and delicious Greek food with my old co-workers Jackie and Julie.
The 12 year-old boy in me resurfaced at work the other day. There is a chip in one of the tiles in the hallway... guess what I think of every time I walk by it?
My 2nd pizza stone to die on me... and just when it was finally getting good and seasoned. 3 pieces, just like last time. Damnit.
P.S. I got my old camera back the other day, as soon as I install the software I hope to provide more quality (aka not so effing blurry) photos for this little blog. But my iphone is so handy but my hand just isn't steady enough nor am I patient enough to get a clear shot 9 times out of 10.
12 years ago
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