Sunday, March 27, 2011

Forest Park

After getting up early to head to Lynnwood Bowl and Skate for a little scrimmage between Jet City and Bellingham (yay, my two worlds combined!), we headed to the park to let the kids run some wiggles out (they were amazingly well behaved at derby btw...)

Training has officially begun for running season... we have 6 weeks until the Hero's Half (on Mother's Day). We've got quite a race schedule this year, I'm super excited about 2011... so far it's been a fantastic year.

Tomorrow I get my tooth back. When I got braces a few years ago (for the 2nd time) the main goal was to close a particularly bothersome gap. The co-pay for braces was essentially the same as a crown so my thought was 'why not get braces and re-straighten all my teeth (again) and solve my gap problem?' Well, it didn't work as well as we had hoped, and so 2 weeks ago I got prepped (and charged) for solution #2: A crown larger than my tooth to close the troublesome gap. So it cost me twice as much and of course Thursday evening at 7:50 p.m. my temporary crown popped off. And my dentist is closed on Friday. And he's an hour away. So finally tomorrow I should get my tooth back and my gap closed.