Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Alone together

Our week of being childless ends today. We haven't been without our kids for more than 2 days in over a year and a half. And we made full use of our time! We actually ran out of time! Here's a quick highlight of how we spent our week (you know, besides the dozens of appointments, tedious chores and errands):

Crabbing. Lots of crabbing. And cooking of crabs. And cracking of crabs. And eating of crabs. And freezing over 5 pounds of crab meat. I love dungeness crab!

A friend couldn't go to the Mariners vs. Red Sox game last Sunday so I scooped up her tickets and they were amazing seats! 3rd row off the field!
They'll always be King beers to me...

Me and my super sweetie during the 7th inning stretch... Time to rally for the win!
We took the train from Everett to the game and it was terrific (after I switched seats so that I could sit forward. Heather and riding backwards do not mix!). Affordable, no traffic, and no concern about having one too many beers at the game! Perfect!