Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lazy days of summer

I think we finally had our first one (lazy day of summer, that is) on Saturday. It only took until August 20th get it!
We had to head to Bellingham to pick up my Little Miss who got to stay in CA a few extra days with her Grandma, so we invited ourselves to the Campbell compound to play for the afternoon.
Erin and I had a lovely day just lounging on the patio (minus the time she had to get up 3 times to make over 11 pb&j sandwiches for 7 ravenous children) while the kids kept themselves entertained (it helped that our two oldest disappeared down the street for hours to play, leaving the littles to have free reign of the back yard).

Nothing says 'summer' like knocking one back on a hot August day.

Jelly Joker Face.

Taking a time out to refuel.

Does it get any better than this?