So I took some great shots yesterday down at Semiahmoo spit, and when I downloaded them off the camera, they got turned into a NEF file or something. It's my husbands damn telescope (that thing will be the death of me, it's my nemesis) software that won't let me open, flip, or upload the photos. Frick!
But we had a nice afternoon, as I was heading up to check on the in-laws house (all fine) after the windstorm, my mom called and said she had just gotten off of work. So we met up and we took the kids to the spit (it was cold and windy, but sunny) and let them throw rocks. Natalie was very pensive, I think she was just working the Grandma snuggle angle.
Brady could have stayed out there for an hour, but my hands were losing their feeling, and the other 2 were sulking on the bench... cold and ready to go.
Had Erin and Christian over tonight for Tortilla soup... mmmmm. delicioso! And then Brady and I had WWIII at bed time. Ahhh... power struggles with a 5 year old. I'm glad Erin picked up the phone when I called, I was trying not to waffle on my decision, but he was really amping up the begging and pleading. I won in the end, for today anyway. We'll do it all over again tomorrow, I'm sure. If you've ever tried to move a mule, you'd have some idea what it's like raising my son sometimes.
I'd post a beautiful picture of him right now to erase all the stinky comments I wrote about him, but alas, they are stuck. I'll get my hubby/tech support on it. I made him leftover soup, after all!
12 years ago
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