Miss February at Red Robin.
Mama and Nat sneaking a snapshot.
So after Natalie's birthday dinner we decided to go to the pool, since that is always a good time. Everyone was excited to go (esp. me cuz I love to strut around public in spandex, cue 'my humps' by Black Eyed Peas here). The boys went to their locker room, and we went to ours. Everything is going great until I pulled out... the 'wrong' swimsuit. All hell broke loose in the locker room about how she was not going to wear that suit. I brought it because a. it was expensive and b. it was rapidly getting too small. She insisted that I put her pajamas on and she was going to go home. So I got suited up anyway and put her in her jammies (assuming this would pass as soon as she saw dad and Brady in the pool). Nope. So Larry played with B for half the time, dressed and took the Heinass (misspelled on purpose) home. And B and I played the rest of the evening. Which was cool, because I've been restraining myself all week from causing him bodily harm. Ahhh, the healing powers of the public pool.
Then Wed. I picked her up from school and she bursts into tears "Dosh (Josh) stepped on my toes!" I asked her if being 3 was pretty tough so far. "nuhyes!" and the sobbing ramps up again. Natalie frequently combines 'Yes' and 'No' into one undecipherable word. But I was pretty sure what she meant this time.
12 years ago
I'm really looking forward to Amelia turning three!
love the shirt. I want one in my size, that would be ok to wear, right???
I want to come back as your child Heather, you always have them in the coolest clothes.
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