I fully intended on heading out of the house yesterday, there are some dog beds on sale at Walgreens and I've really got to replace those. For one, they reek. And two, Norman awakes every morning and comes out of his kennel white and fluffy. Apparently one of them has sprung a leak and everytime Norman prepares his bed, he gets a fresh coat of fuzz.
And Macy's has a great coupon that I've GOT to use today. Somehow all but 3 of my nice steak knives have gone missing through the years, and this weekend they are $30 off.
I am proud that we inadvertently took part in the underground (well not so underground in Bham, damn hippies) "Buy Nothing Day". Instead Larry and I cleaned our bedroom, I got 4 loads of laundry done, cleaned 90% of Brady's room, and... and well that's about it.
So on top of Walgreens, Macy's, Great Clips (Natalie's eyes have disappeared behind her hair), Haggen (out of bread for turkey sandwiches! Emergency, Emergency!), have lunch with Carly and introduce Huggins to my two (Carly's practice children); I've also got to try to find time to make a turkey pot pie tonight, we have an assload of turkey left, and then I was really efficient and we now have an assload of turkey stock too.
The only picture I took yesterday was of Brady's spring horse that I listed on Craigslist, so here is my favorite Comcast picture of the day:

I participated in the whole Buy Nothing thing too. Instead, I painted for 6 hours. Not as much fun. But cheaper.
Today though I cannot be held responsinble for any money that might leave my account.
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