My pal Maggie called this afternoon and invited us on a hike (Larry was on a 5 hour bike ride, which is all I'm going to say about that). Then 5 minutes later my mom called and said she wanted to go for a walk, did I have any suggestions? Why yes, let's join the Allen family and the Walker's on a hike!
Brady decided to be a first class pain in the rump, so I converged with Larry after his ride and dumped B and ran. He would have had a wonderful time, especially with his buddy Lucas, but I was in no mood to listen to him anymore, and didn't want to "reward" his attitude.
We hiked for almost 2 hours and there were two memorable quotes of the day. Lucas: "I think that boys and rocks match perfectly" and Natalie, on the way down the mountain whining quite a bit about being muddy and tired: "I'm getting a bit grumpy".
We had a wonderful time, the weather was pleasant (meaning it didn't rain, and I was comfortable in just a sweatshirt).
When we pulled into our driveway, Brady came running out of the house and gave me a big hug "did you have fun, mom?" "And I can go next time? With a good attitude?" (thank you Larry for whatever lecture you gave him!)
Kate and Maggie's boys inspecting a cold little snake. One of the two very slow moving snakes.
The race is on! Trevor, Lucas, Maggie, Drake, and Natalie.
Yes, Tinkerbell is a wood nymph.
Party's over. I think Natalie is one of those girls who would rather lay by the poolside rather than get muddy running on trails.
12 years ago
Sounds like fun! I've never been hiking up there. Maybe someday when I get done playing Bob the Builder I can try it. :)
That sounds like a great day, grumpy fairies or not. At least you got to hang out with Mom.
What's happening right now is me shaking my head at the hiking Fairy. Sigh.
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