I don't know how I'm going to fit it all in... yesterday I worked all day, something I don't often do. So nothing got accomplished yesterday. Oh wait, I moved the wet laundry into the dryer and started another load. Very productive.
I walked in the door, turned around and walked back out with the family. Brady has been working to earn a Lionel Train Crossing bank for quite awhile, and apparently there is one at Hobby Town.
So I drop off Larry at Best Buy to go burn his gift certificate (I love what he got! A new 80-300 lens for the new camera!) and went to go buy the bank. Turns out it's for looks only, and the don't sell it. So then the whining starts because B feels the need to leave with SOMETHING, if not the bank.
Get Lar and went to dinner at Billy McHales, figuring the kids love to go there and it will be a easy night for me... Brady wants the pepperoni pizza. It arrives, and without fail he starts complaining about how different body parts hurt, his tooth, his side, he's not hungry, he's tired, no wait he's not tired, it's got yucky stuff on it, it's too hot (10 minutes later), Ok! I am eating it, wait I can't because my leg hurts now... So I finish my dinner (and pineapple/coconut margarita) and haul his sorry butt to the van. So we get home and put the kids to bed... at 11:22pm B comes dashing into our room, "HI MOM! Blah, blah, blah" Like there was nothing wrong with him STILL being awake... he did "sleep in" until 8:30 this morning. I've got to figure out how to get this kid to sleep more, he would be so much nicer to be around all day.
Today I've got to:
1. Make PB cookie dough (they don't sell it in the tubes around here, I checked)
2. Make the top bunk in B's room for Josh.
3. Shower.
4. Get B & N dressed and out the door to take B to school.
5. Drop off a donation to the women's shelter.
6. Make a prelim run to Semiahmoo to get some stuff up there.
7. Pick up B from school.
8. Pack up more stuff for Semiahmoo (clothes, scrap stuff)
9. Make dinner for the kids and boys (Josh and Lar)
10. Go play Bunco with some of my mommy friends.
11. Come home (after I've sobered up) and pick up Lar. Drive back to Semiahmoo to fix smoke detector (15 feet in the air) and probably take more stuff (food) up there.
12. Pack changes of clothes and snacks for the kids for Sunday. Lar and the kids
are going to Monster Jam in Tacoma. I'm jealous, but not so jealous I would
give up my girlfriend weekend to go. They'll be more Monster Truck shows in my
13. Make a list for my mom on to get my kids to bed happily. It's not hard, it's
just easier if the routine stays the same.
14. Oh, and maybe make those maple glazed gooey buns on PW's site. Yum.
I'm sure there is plenty more (like packing up the vehicle each time I get ready to drive to Semiahmoo. Oh well. And I did my good deed for the day; I posted on Craigslist to get rid of tons of small "ziploc" style bags that we receive glasses in from the lab. They are useles to us, but I feel so wasteful disposing of them. So I offered them up (covertly, my boss is a packrat) and someone is picking them up for "a project" today. That project may be their jelwery making business, or it may be their dope ring. Who knows. That's the beauty of Craigslist. And there I did my part: Reduce, REUSE, Recycle. Yea for me. And Jack the guy that is taking them.
12 years ago
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