(can't figure out hyperlinks yet, you'll have to copy and paste. Sorry.)
This article stoked the flames of my rage against "kids today". I was scared shitless to drive drunk once I got my licence for the simple fact that I would be putting my friends lives (or another driver, or myself) in danger. What would you do if you knowingly killed your best friend because you got behind the wheel? My conscience and a healthy fear of my parents kept me in line (uhh... to an extent).
So why the F don't kids know this anymore? This stupid girl was busted last week for totalling her Jetta when she hit a parked car and left the scene, they found her and ticketed her. So her dumber-than-her parents go ahead and give her ANOTHER car? It's like handing a bullet to someone pointing a gun. So then this poor young man has to lose his life because this fucked up girl killed him with help from her fucked up parents enabling her.
And it just raises more anger about Fred Boettner who was killed in front of Costco last year by 2 racing teenagers who both had terrible driving records and both had police records. But their parents defended their children's actions and laid blame on everyone but themselves. Apparently it had nothing to do with them being spineless, weak-minded parents who would rather have the system parent for them.
Oh, and on a side note, this little dirt bag Vitaly was caught shoplifting with family members about a week after he got out of the hospital. Nice, huh?
But there is a bright light in the parenting world, and if my kids don't think I would do the same thing, they are in for a rude awaking. My mom told me once when I tried to hurt her by saying "I hate you!" she replied "It is not my job... to be liked by you." Took the wind out of my sails real quick. So if you haven't heard, check out this supermom:
'Mean mom' sells son's car after misdeed
DES MOINES, Iowa -- Jane Hambleton has dubbed herself the "meanest mom on the planet." After finding alcohol in her son's car, she decided to sell the car and share her 19-year-old's misdeed with everyone - by placing an ad in the local newspaper.
The ad reads: "OLDS 1999 Intrigue. Totally uncool parents who obviously don't love teenage son, selling his car. Only driven for three weeks before snoopy mom who needs to get a life found booze under front seat. $3,700/offer. Call meanest mom on the planet."
Hambleton has heard from people besides interested buyers since recently placing the ad in The Des Moines Register.
The 48-year-old from Fort Dodge says she has fielded more than 70 telephone calls from emergency room technicians, nurses, school counselors and even a Georgia man who wanted to congratulate her.
"The ad cost a fortune, but you know what? I'm telling people what happened here," Hambleton says. "I'm not just gonna put the car for resale when there's nothing wrong with it, except the driver made a dumb decision.
"It's overwhelming the number of calls I've gotten from people saying 'Thank you, it's nice to see a responsible parent.' So far there are no calls from anyone saying, 'You're really strict. You're real overboard, lady.'"
The only critic is her son, who Hambleton says is "very, very unhappy" with the ad and claims the alcohol was left by a passenger.
Hambleton believes her son but has decided mercy isn't the best policy in this case. She says she set two rules when she bought the car at Thanksgiving: No booze, and always keep it locked.
The car has been sold, but Hambleton says she will continue the ad for another week - just for the feedback.
12 years ago
Go, Mom! Good for her for selling junior's car. Maybe he actually learned something.
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