Hunnington Beach, OC. It's our new inside joke that this is Larry's fav. new show. Back on 6-6-06 (remember that date?) was the last time we were in California. We usually spend most of our time at the beach when we get down there, Larry and I are both water people, especially the ocean.
So we went down there and Larry was out body-boarding and I was playing the with kids and watching all the pro-surfers. Mmmmm... oops I'm back.
Pretty soon I realized that Larry had been gone for over 45 minutes, and that I was getting tired of hanging out by myself and was also wondering "at what point do I get worried?" He's a lifetime surfer and grew up in Long Beach CA, so I don't want to insult his ability by calling a lifeguard over and panicking. But I AM starting to panic. So I grab the kids and start walking the shoreline looking for a body that resembles my husband. When I look up, I can just barely see him walking back up the beach, he was so far away and looked tired. Turns out he called out for a lifeguard after he got caught in a rip tide and had been treading water for 45 minutes while it took him down shore. He said the worst part wasn't the thought that he was in real trouble and actually needed to be rescued, it was when the lifeguard asked him "So where you from, anyway?" As if to ask, 'no local would get themselves in this mess'. Larry's ego was bruised. So what did I do to raise his spirits? hee, hee! I went and bought a liscence plate frame that says "Long Beach Lifeguards 1906-2006" later that day. And now there is a whole show dedicated to people like Larry that have to get rescued from Hunnington Beach! I was asking him last night if he recognized any of the lifeguards, which one saved him, his sense of humor faded pretty quickly, which fed my fire even more >:) Maybe he'll get on the show if/when we go down there in February...
12 years ago
when are you going??
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