Actually, we averted a trip to St. Joe's tonight. The on-call nurse saved us a couple hundred bucks.
Tonight Natalie came rushing out of bed and proclaimed that she had a button stuck in her nose. Yes, this is the same kid who only a few weeks ago swallowed a smuggled marble. We searched for the damn button to no avail. I called the ped's office just in case they had their after hours clinic still open. Nope, but the nurse said she should either sneeze it out if it's still in her nose, or else she will swallow it, it she hasn't already. Unless we see some irritation tomorrow, then we know it's hanging out in there still. She can breathe out of both nose holes though. She'll be in bed with me tonight, that's a given.
So. That makes the tally: button in nose for Memorial Day; Nursemaids elbow for Easter, and a broken tooth for Labor day. Brady has only been to the ER once, on Christmas eve because he was a little baby and had a good fever brewing. And I bit my lip in half when I was a kid on Easter too. Still got the scar to show for it! Oh... and Natalie pulled a Christmas stocking holder down off the mantle on her 2nd Christmas... we learned a quick lesson that day, and she still has the scar for that one too (just missed her eye by about 1/4 inch).
Oh, and both of my children got bloody noses spontaneously today. In front of all the neighborhood kids. I'm sure that helps their popularity. I have never in my life had a run-down-my-face bloody nose, yet both of my children seem to fall into that category. I try to play it cool, but it freaks me the hell out. The human body should not spontaneously spew blood. No way. I'm not buyin it. But it happens quite often around here.
12 years ago
Great pic of Mss N - glad to hear you didn't have to go to the ER, can't wait to see what she does next.
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