Some of my Mother's day loot.
Declan, Carter, and Brady represented "September". They refused to say their line, instead saying "We look hilarious!" at the class presentation of months of the year.
I had a day that mini-van moms have nightmares over. Up and out the door early with Brady to take him to school (he and Natalie usually start at the same time). His class and others put on a performance about the months in a year. The boys were September, representing the first day of school. They all wore backpacks and Brady held an apple (my idea). Then they sang a song to the tune of BINGO, but instead it went: 'and mommy is here name-o. M-O-MM-Y...' Very sweet, I have to admit I had a little tear. I think this may be the last time I hear such a sweet song sung by my little boy, who refuses to stay little. And I noticed for the first time he towers over most of his classmates. I don't know if they are on the shorty side, or if he is on the tally side.
Then... run back home to say goodbye to Larry before he took Natalie to school, then I turned around again to go back to school to retrieve Brady. Got some lunch in him and dropped him off at the elementary school to spend the afternoon in their preschool (he's getting a little speech therapy and getting comfortable with the school before he starts Kindergarten in the fall). Then raced BACK to have tea with Natalie and her class. I ended up being about 10 minutes late (trying to be in 2 places at the same time). I sat down and everyone was giggling at the two of us. Apparently since I was late, Natalie switched my mommy-size slice of cake with her kiddie-size piece. That was my penance for my tardiness, I suppose. Very precocious, that girl. Then we sang and danced for quite awhile to all the tunes they frequently sing in class.
Then back to the elementary school to pick up B. I get the impression that he really enjoyed himself, he gave me just a tidbit of information about what they did, which in Brady terms means it was great.
In the photo above is a portrait of me that Brady drew. And behind it are some words he wrote about me (Natalie's to come, it's in Larrys truck):
-My mom has long hair. She has eyes like ours. (I don't have either)
-My mom likes to eat Lasagna and Spaghetti. (he's got me pegged as a carbo-addict)
-My mom likes to go to Morrie's with me (true.)
-My mom likes to go to a restaurant with my dad (I feel a food trend here)
-My mom doesn't like to eat worms. (I don't know if I don't like them, I've never tried them)
-I think she is 20 years old. (Alright, Brady gets ice cream for dinner!)
12 years ago
yaya for 20 years old! How awesome is all of this? You rock EM OH EM EM WHY
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