We've been talking to Brady for a few months about how this summer would be when he would ride without training wheels. So what did he do? He completely abandoned his bike to commit to scooter scooting. That boy knows how to avoid situations, let me tell ya. We went to REI for their big sale, and started talking to B about how we would let him pick out any bike he wanted if he showed us he would try riding without wheels. I could see his wheels were turning inside, but no way was he going to give in that easily. So finally yesterday, Larry had B help remove his training wheels and they went out for a test run. I can see that Brady is totally capable to ride off independantly right away, but he is slow to warm up. Then Larry went to pat him on the back or something (refer to the film) and Brady bit it. Bloody knees. Next time we're going down to the track (rubber). Once the marching band leaves (they walked through my neighborhood today, tee hee
12 years ago
I found it hard to watch the video knowing he was going to fall and get hurt! The track is perfect for learning to ride! Does he have knee and elbow pads?
HE's totally ready to do it! Christian was way wobblier the first couple times. But I would suggest wearing pants and closed toed shoes when learning. Good sturdy jeans take the bite off the inevitable spills. This is going to be a fun summer!
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