Tracy and I headed to Seattle Saturday evening and shopped out hearts out, ate our hearts out (and Famous Dave's BBQ), then we drank our hearts out.
Tracy wishing she had worn her 'stretchy pants' at Famous Dave's.
It seemed like such a good idea at the time. But after drinking an obscene amount of beer (and a margarita at dinner), then trying to get up and go race in speeding cars (and being a non-smoker surrounded by smokers), I began to dreadfully regret my decision to walk down to 7-11 at 1:30am to get another 6 pack.
I tried to buck up, but Starbucks wasn't curing my dreadful hangover (did you know I'm not 21 anymore? I don't seem to rebound from excessive drinking like I used to.). I was getting terribly nervous about the racing, as I'm not an adrenaline junky, and the idea of doing 131 miles per hour and making hairpin turns in a racing car did not sound too appealing to my tummy. But I did it anyway, and it was so awesome! Definitely a moment to remember.
Then came along the Mustang Drift (the racing was in Panoz race cars). I watched the warm up lap. I noticed how in the 3rd turn the car really jerks around. I remembered that I get sick when Larry rocks the minivan to make the children giggle with delight. I remembered the 9 beers that my body was punishing me for drinking. I decided getting quality video of Tracy drifting was more important (how come she's not feeling like death-warmed-over like me bytheway?) than me vomiting inside my helmet.
They fed us afterward with a huge buffet of wonderful looking food (that did NOT sound appetizing). So I drank more water and nibbled on some fruit.
We walked out of there with bags full of swag, great photos, and a lifetime of memories.
The damage from being without children or other responsibility for 24 hours.
Me sitting in Helio Castronoves' car (I didn't know who he was until 'Dancing with the Stars')
Turn back and go the other way we'll stop and eat at Dick's.
Dick's is the place where the cool hang out (and apparently feed their hangovers! I felt sooo much better after a bag of grease.)
*** I hope most of my readers can appreciate the photo titles of the last two. And appreciate Dick's in general. Yum-O. Can you believe Tracy had never been? I almost fell over. If you are like Tracy and have never been to Dick's (ha-ha, a Tracy joke), then you are truly missing out on a Seattle institution. And a huge part of my college experience.
You are so cool! I wish I could do that! Jealous!!! I LOVE dicks! (that makes me giggle)
OMG... awesome joke ;) It was the best time ever even tho we nearly killed ourselves. Next time.. something poolside?
Randy so wants to be you right now. Glad you made it back in one piece (by the way I went to Dick's once a few years back and never ate anything! Guess I should go again).
OMG - DICK's. Did you not know their food contains secret hang-over cure ingredients? Ah, many a (partial) memory of Dick's. :)
And how much stinkin' fun did YOU have racing cars? That is TOTALLY up my alley, since Josh says I already drive fast. Fun!
Rebecca (et al), if you've been to a In-and-Out Burger in CA, then you have an idea of what Dick's is.
Sir-Mix-a-Lot rapped about Dick's (My Posse's on Broadway).
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