She also felt it was necessary to dry off the slide. With her butt.
The boy wouldn't hold still for a photo op.
You can feel the sense of freedome he is experiencing!
Since Brady has become a bicyclist, all we've been doing is riding bikes. And he needs an audience, so I'm always standing in the rain to watch him.
Yesterday they posted the class lists for school, so I packed up the kids bikes so they could ride in the undercover play area after we checked Brady's class.
Earlier this year we got a letter stating the Brady would be in Mrs. S's split K/1 afternoon class. So I really didn't see a point in "checking" the lists, but I remember waiting with great anxiety for the classrooms to be announced, so off we went, and it's a good thing we looked! Brady is now in Mrs. R's Kindergarten class. Which is neat because she is good friends with Brady's preschool teacher, so she already "knew" Brady. Apparently there was a surge of 1st graders who enrolled, prompting the need for another sole 1st grade.
We met with Mrs. R today and found Brady's desk (he's in the red section, which also happens to be his favorite color!).
Outside Brady had a blast racing up and down the play area, then he discovered the jumps that someone created out in the dirt. So then he spent the majority of his time off-road. Riding over the jumps, bouncing through the grass. Then, the big boys showed up. I look up and Brady is lining up with the big boys to ride their bikes off a mountain of dirt. I don't think so, buddy. Of course, he finds the big boys and wants to emulate them. He can't just be happy riding his bike back and forth and jumping curbs. He has to kick it up a notch. I have a feeling I will struggle with him and bigger boys. He wants desperately to do what they do. And I desperately want his body to reamain in one piece.
This afternoon we are expecting some MOMS club members to come over and play and do a craft. I ran out of time/ideas, so we're making newspaper bonnets/pirate hats.
Why are kids always in such a blasted hurry to grow up? They need to knock that off! :)
We went to school today too and checked out Sam's classroom and met his teacher. I am not ready for this.
Bring kleenex for yourselves ladies. I remeber crying and crying (even on the first day of 4th grade, I cried). :)
Woohoo, Brady is a two wheeler rider! Aiden would love to go for a ride sometime! What time is your K class?
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