And boy was it. But first we headed down to the farmers market to peruse the aisles. We picked up some kettle corn and raspberries (I'm not a big fan of that particular berry, but they were delish... from McPhails). There was a surprising amount of street musicians this week, probably twice the norm. I particularly liked these two:
The banjo player was just talented, and had a great voice that meshed well with his instrument.
And these boys were an A-Capella group. They decided to serenade this 98 year old lady with "In the still of the night". Very sweet, you bet their beret overflowed after that.
And Indiana Jones made an appearance ("that boy recognized me!" Brady proudly whispers): And after picking up our free loaf of bread at Great Harvest (and a loaf of Dakota Seed and Cinnamon Supreme it makes unbelievable french toast! SOLD), we finally headed over to Kids Fest '08. They had probably 50 vendors, a dozen bouncy houses, face painting, magic shows, bowling, you name it. The kids had a great time and got some wiggles out (not all, unfortunately).
Then Larry called and he had left his wallet at home and was starving at work (ever heard of the free samples buddy? Just kidding, Costco employees, at least the ones who aren't college students generally avoid the demo tables. Crabby demo ladies, and Piranha-like customers). So we buzzed over there and had a quick lunch with him, and now we're home!
I bought some limes today too. I think I'm going to head to the fridge and crack a beer.

What a fun day! You're always finding fun stuff to do.
OOhhh, can I come over for the beer with a lime in it?? I always forget about the farmers market! Could it be 4 kids keep me occupied with other things??
I Think that I want you for MY mom. I love that that every day I read your blog and you ALWAYS have something new and exciting to do. Those are some lucky kids... not only because they get to hang with my Best Friend every day of their life but that they get to enjoy MORE new and exciting things than any kid, person on this earth that I know. Damn, girl you deserve THE ONE IN A MILLION MOM AWARD. Hands down. I'll let you know my move in date. :)
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