The whole county is under water (hush, I'm telling my 2 readers that don't live in Bellingham). Larry has to zig zag his way home tonight, as most major roads are closed due to water. I've been trying to find the video that Larry is dying to see: people were jetskiing down Iowa St. today I guess. They've had to release water to go down Whatcom Creek so that Lake Whatcom won't flood the homes, which is causing major urban flooding.
Larry was outside at midnight last night digging a trench away from our home. We have a french drain in our driveway, that feeds to the same place that our front roof drain feeds, and to make a long story short, it was feeding right into our foundation, which also happens to be Brady's bedroom window. So he had to divert all that water, then this morning he was on the roof trying to unclog another gutter on the back of our house. Thankfully that is all the damage done (so far).
I spent 12 hours at work today doing "the big clean". I'm physically spent. And my poor kids spent a little less than half of the day with me! For reward, I'm letting them sleep in my room tonight (at least until they fall asleep and I can haul them downstairs). I think I'm going to crawl in myself. I have to be back to work at 7am!
Here are some photos and links about the flooding:
The road at Lake Whatcom (I think this is South Bay)

oh that sucks! Apparently "they" (the weather folks back here) are saying that storm is going to travel across the country and nail us next. Probably with snow by then. We've been having crappy sleet and ice storms. Feel like I'm ice skating every time I walk out of my apartment (I need to go buy some Ice Melt or Rock Salt or something before I actually do fall.) Glad your home has not been too effected.
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