As I listened to Carly lament on her first New Years as a parent, I thought about how much my New Year's Eve celebrations have changed through the years. These last few years have been the most fun, celebrating with a group of great friends and our ever-growing (in quantity and in size) children.
Natalie sporting her cracker crown. She also is wearing the remnants of her eyeshadow kitty cat whiskers and nose that Brady applied.
Miss Grace had a great time pushing little Ariana around in the dolly stroller. Aren't they both the cutest?
The details are a little fuzzy the first New Year's that Larry and I celebrated as parents. Brady was 8 weeks old, we were exhausted and overwhelmed. Larry's mom bought Brady this cute little velvet tuxedo that he wore to our company Christmas party, and I decided his first New Year was a black tie event. In the wee hours, as our son fell asleep as he always did, with his arms over his head (I've heard that means that they feel very secure when they do that since it's such a vulnerable position). For some reason we had these teeny-tiny Sapporo beers (like a 3 inch tall can and skinnier than a red bull). We thought (and still think) it would be funny to stick one of these tiny beers under Brady's arm to make it look like he passed out with a drink. Larry took the picture to work, and several of our childless female coworkers thought it was extremely distasteful. What can I say, I offend easily. I don't mean I personally get offended, but that I easily offend others. It's what I do.

Woefully, the picture went missing. All we have are some candid's from before we got the big idea to lay a beer next to our infant; and Cameron has the only copy of the photo in existence of the actual event. It's on a coffee mug. So don't break that one, Cameron!
It turned out ok. I was watching your video and thinking I ought to have some friends with new babies. Looked like a lotta fun!
Brady always looks good dressed up, that's for sure. Happy New Year!
Love that story.:) How do people survive without a sense of humor?:)
Looks like wicked fun! I think I actually have a copy of that picture. Maybe this weekend i'll dig through the foto box if it's really worth it to ya!
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