Brady has gone on a haircutting strike. He used to insist on a buzz every 6 weeks. Lately, he's been "doing" his hair. He sprays his head with detangler and brushes it up into who-knows-what. I think we'll have a sit down and talk about what exactly he's trying to accomplish. But all I know is that moments before he left for school today he disappeared into the bathroom and reappeared looking like this (sorry, not the best photograph):
Brady also had to turn in his heritage paper doll. My idea for a stained tank-top and trucker hat got shot down, so I actually did some research online and mooched some fabric scraps from my mom (She claims she is the Queen of Crap, I mean Craft). We are mostly German, with a good streak of Danish in there. So Brady's fella is wearing Lederhosen with a Danish hat and cape. I threw in the deer skin boots since we have a long history of huntsmen too.
12 years ago
Gage went through the hair thing when he was about Bradys age. Now he doesnt care what it looks like when he leaves the house now. hopefully that will change soon and I wont be brushing his hair when he is 16
OMG!! I ADORE the hair. Josh went thru it from kindergarten (mom, I need a comb and some light gel for my backpack, for when my hair gets messy) thru 3rd grade.. now in high school it's a whole different kinda caring if you know what I mean ;)
I think he looks rad! I hope Huggins does his hair like that!
Are you going to dinner with us or what?
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