Sunday, May 16, 2010


Radish took full advantage of the gorgeous weather we had this weekend and took a nap out in the grass with his two favorite ladies. We pampered him with celery and freshly picked buttercups. He's a happy little pig. He'd be even happier if I would entertain Natalie's new idea that Radish needs a girlfriend. "She will be white and we will call her Princess." 1. white rodents creep me out. 2. If there were to ever be another guinea pig in our home, it ain't gonna be a female because, 3. I don't want to be birthin no babies in my living room.

One of my favorite movies is So I married An Axe Murderer. Loved that movie. Anyway the opening scene is a shot watching a GIANT cappuccino making it's way through a cafe to it's customer. When it arrives, Charlie (played by Mike Meyers) says "Excuse me, I believe I ordered the LARGE cappuccino... Hello!" and the movie just gets better from there... Anyway, this bag of shavings I got for Radish reminds me of that line. "I believe I ordered the small animal shavings!"


Kate said...


That's it. Next time you're over, we're watching it. Cuz I have it on DVD. We love it too.

"A piper is down. I repeat, we have a piper down."

Heather said...

A hard hearted harbinger of Haggis...

Head! It's like an orange sitting on a toothpick!

I think most Scottish cuisine is based on a dare.

Woman... woe-man... whoooa-man. She was a thief, you gotta believe, she stole my heart and my cat. Betty, Judy, Josie and those hot Pussycats... they make me horny, Saturday morny... girls of cartoo-ins will leave me in ruins... I want to to be Betty's Barney. Hey Jane... get me off this crazy thing... called love.

Scotland has it's own martial arts, called fuckyou! It's mostly headbutting and then kicking people when they're on the ground.

Yes, Kate. We need to watch the movie. I have it on DVD too.