The jack -o'lantern chuckled
Then winked his funny eye,
"I would rather be a pumpkin-face
Than be inside a pie!"
The girls helped gut their pumpkins and that was about the extent of their involvement in creating their jack o'lanterns (besides the occasional "is it supposed to look that way?" "are you sure you're doing it right?")
Brady on the other hand, felt that he is old enough to design and carve his pumpkin start to finish. And I have to say I'm quite impressed with his knive-wielding skills.
I always go for simple yet recognizeable, and this year I kind of missed the mark on the latter... I was going for Jack Skellington. I probably should have used a ghost pumpkin, but those white ones are a bitch to carve. Mike' pumpkin was a huge hit, cute and funny at the same time. He even got Tink and Pickles on there (Pickles, btw loves pumpkin. He went like catnip-crazy over it and gobbled it up!)
I had already sent the kids to bathe and wash the pumpkin guts off when I decided they should pose with their Jack O'lanterns... hence the drowned rat look on the girls...
12 years ago
Nicely done! Who knew Mike had such crazy-good pumpkin carving skillz?
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