I will post more after the kids go to bed, but have to get some off my chest now.
We live across the street from a high school. A nice high school. And by across the street, I mean I can see it from my deck, and the main trail that students take to get to school is 15 feet from my driveway.
Today the high school and the elementary school (you know, the one I send my son to everyday) were put in "lock down" because some asshole punks decided to skip school (before "their homie went in for 3 years") and pulled a rifle shaped bb gun out of the bushes and stood in the street pointing it at each other (this bus stop even closer to my house than the school).
When we heard that the schools were in lockdown, we had no idea if it was a hoax, a genuine threat, or active violence. All I knew is that I was supposed to deliver my son there that afternoon, and that my dear friends son was in the elementary school at that moment, and my children's babysitter was texting her mom while laying on the floor of her classroom terrified and unknowing.
My head is starting to throb more. I'll post more later, my head is just spinning with emotion from today.
12 years ago
How scary! Oh, I can't even imagine, although we had something similar happen earlier this year, and it was equally unnerving. I hope those kids get seriously punished. And someday have kids just like themselves. Although that's probably pretty much a given.
Hi-I found your blog from another one and I just wanted to say I understand-we live here in Blacksburg, VA, with Virginia Tech just minutes away where many friends, as well as my husband, work. It was the worst thing I've ver experienced, that day of the shooting. We kept the baby of a friend who was shot while he was in surgery-and miraculously survived. Why these things happen will never make sense, it is good your school took it seriously though!!
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