Don't you hate that feeling that something is wrong and wakes you up and there is no way you are going back to sleep with it unresolved? That was me early this morning.
The kids and I were pretty punchy with each other yesterday, we've been in the house for almost 2 weeks solid, with only a quick errand as a break from the confines of our house.
Daisy has been subjected to all sorts of torture in the name of entertainment this week. She has been seen riding in a baby stroller, wearing a super hero cape, being hauled around inside of a towel, and many other humiliating scenarios.
I awoke early this morning realizing that I hadn't seen Daisy since yesterday afternoon. I immediately thought that she ran outside and was frozen to the sidewalk, but thought that she wouldn't have made a noise when Larry got home from work last night. I opened the garage but she didn't come running in like she normally does. I snuck downstairs and opened each of the kids closets thinking that they may have locked her in there. Nope. She wasn't anywhere. I even looked around for crates or boxes that my children may have locked her into (thank goodness she wasn't, I hated thinking that my kids could do that). I opened the garage door once again, and this time she darted inside! Phew! She just hid out to catch some reprieve from her captives.
Today we're having a big melt, our cul-de-sac looks like hell, but dammit we're getting out of here! We tried yesterday, but with all the ice on our driveway, we couldn't even back the van out. We all cried a little when we were unsuccessful in out departure. Today we shall be successful! Flash (Erin's cat) will be snuggled (he/she is a new cat therefore exempt from torture) today! The kids will get some sort of physical activity that doesn't include snow-play! They will probably eat something greasy and deep-fried! Today is our day! We're on our way! (Suess, anyone?)
12 years ago
Whew! Actually, I may have to take a page out of Daisy's book and hide out in the garage. Hmmm...
Happy Thawing! Keep your fingers crossed that it continues so that The Move can begin!
Thanks guys, SHE is always so happy to see you. But why is it everyone thinks my kitty is a boy?? She's the Pat of cats it seems.
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