Last night Larry ran down to Haggen to return a movie and I sent him my baking grocery list.
He came home last night with most everything I needed. It's hard to relay what I needed when I can see what I need in my head to a man that hardly ever steps foot into a grocery store (would you want to after working 20 years in one?)
I asked for slivered almonds. I want them to make mouse ears. He brought home slivered almonds, but they were slivered the wrong way.
I asked for MnM's for a cookie project. I noted that I wanted holiday ones. I failed to note that they needed to be plain (I assumed that he would know to get those since I'm baking with them). He brought home peanut. Because he likes peanut MnM's.
So close. I really appreciate the effort, but I'm still dead in the water for 2 projects until I can exchange these two ingredients!
OH. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIN! I'll be seeing you tonight for Bunco!
12 years ago
Oh the urban legend of the husband that can be sent to the store to pick up the right ingredients. Dale always spends more than I spend for weekly groceries when I have hime run to pick something up. I guess he's the smart one because I never ask him to go anymore.
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