Brady and Riley wiped out early in the run. Katie is unphased by Larry's excitement.
Norman is looking for a place to bail out.
The igloo.
I went to work this morning without any problems. Coming home? My van has been abandoned at Haggen once again.
I stayed at work a little too long, and then had to stop and get some blood work done and by the time I was ready to make the climb, people were turning around on the hill and heading back down. Larry had to come rescue me in his little red truck. He almost abandoned the big hill until we saw our neighbor drive by in her suburban, and he couldn't be out driven by a Chevy (or a girl) ;)
The sledding was great, I chucked snowballs at the neighbor boys much to their great delight (they were using their sleds as shields trying to dodge me). Natalie bagged out and headed inside to watch cartoons while everyone else played. Even the dogs did some sledding. And Larry built a really cool (but very tiny inside) igloo. It's almost 5 feet tall, and Brady can sit inside it quite nicely. It was all they boys could do to not destroy it, you'd think something so cool would be immune from a boys desire for destruction.
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