Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A menagerie of misfit photos

I have amassed some random photos from the past week, so without knowing what else to do with them here they are.

I consider myself pretty liberal and open-minded. But I still think it's funny when men half-ass their cross-dressing. Of course his wife is wearing a matching jacket so maybe it's just me.

We went to the park and there was a wild bare... er I mean bear! I wasn't going to snap a shot but this bare was out forEVER. Come on, you have to realize that your pants are perilously close to the point of no return.

This is a rotohammer.
This is my sweetie rotohammering. Our dear neighbor is battling cancer and his wife is his full-time nurse (They're both in their 70's). They needed some handrails for the stairs that lead from their upper garage to their home. So what does Mike do? He found some scrap rails and welded some bolt plates (is that what they're called) onto them and installed them.

We had them powder coated and they look like they always belonged there. My fella is as handy as he is thoughtful!

Check out these tendrils on my snap pea, doesn't it look like a preying mantis?

I went on a field trip Sunday night. This ain't your average wrench.

That's me. And the USS Lincoln in the distance. I'm told that I am 100' in the air and about 80' over the water. Gulp!

These came in the mail on the same day and it made me laugh. I especially like the "Be a More Mellow Mom" on Parents with the "Keep an Orgasm from Slipping away" on Cosmo. Maybe it's the same article inside? Ponderous, man.