Thursday, December 4, 2008

Run, run, as fast as you can...

Warning: All of my photos tonight stink. And the red eye thing on photoshop was making the kids look like they had cataracts, so forgive me.
We picked up C from school today (it was a surprise for each of the kids). The boys ran outside and dug and threw sticks until it was dark, then came inside to battle on Mario Kart. They tortured the girls (Natalie and Riley) with guns and swords and threats of tying them up or cutting parts of them off. The girls screamed and tattled and then told the boys they were doo-doo heads.
Miss Erin brought pizza, and together with some fresh raspberries and a head of iceberg, we called it dinner. I bought a tube of gingerbread dough the other day, since Brady has been doing a lot of gingerbread themed art and stories at school this week, I thought it would be a fun way to cap off the week. Each kid cut out their own boy (and girl), and I let them go to town decorating with red hots, chocolate chips, and a can 'o frosting I found. I was actually a bit surprised to see Brady snarf down his cookie, I thought he'd turn his nose up at the "exotic" flavor of cookie, you know, besides chocolate chip or Oreo.
Erin was getting ready to take her monster home when they all three started playing a game that they came up with, and we didn't have the heart to halt their fun. Don't tell Larry what the kids were doing to the floors... but as I told Erin, this sort of activity was exactly why I wanted to buy the hand scraped flooring. So it would already look like hell before we ever stepped foot on it.
I'm pooped, but had to stay up and watch Grey's... what is up with the Izzy/Denny/Alex plot? W-E-I-R-D.

P.Ser. My 2nd favorite snow globe, my Starbucks one, was a casualty of boy tonight. There were sticks and pillows involved, and regardless of how high I stashed my snow globes, it was no matter to 6 year olds. And the last picture is of the wonderful story my MIL created for my kids. She documented a bike trip she and Cameron made and I absolutely adore it. It is a perfect story for the kids. Maybe I'll read it to you someday too. :)


Jackie said...

Love it!! Next time I come over you can push me around the floor. You are also an angel for this blog because I wanted to make gingerbread cookies for the first time this year and thought I was gonna have to make them from scratch (sigh) - now I know that they make the dough you can buy!! Today is a good day.