Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday... In the Park...

Fairhaven Park is by far my favorite park in Whatcom County. So this evening Erin and I piled the kids into the van and headed that direction (with a stop at Avellino for what? Mocha's, of course).
The kids played in the stream/creek/crick/watershed for at least an hour, never once complaining about the cold (it IS March) even though Natalie promptly filled her boots with water and Ashi soaked himself shooting a super soaker and Brady "falling" in to the water twice. No complaints. Erin and I marvelled more than once at this fact.
Once home, the kids and I made pizza from scratch (but I had soup) and they snuggled in to watch Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (I'm dreaming (I'm dreaming)... for the one I love... ... to find me (to find me)... today (today)... and I've been busy uploading songs to ipod (do you ever upload music you wouldn't necessarily admit to having on your playlist? Well I admit it freely that I uploaded the soundtrack to Saturday Night Fever, but that's because I have no shame.)
Then I plan on snuggling into bed and watching NEW MOON (I have yet to see it...) before getting some rest before THE BIG CLIMB! It's here! One more sleep!
"A man's health can be judged by what he takes two at a time: pills or stairs." Well, I will take one at a time, but come tomorrow afternoon I will have climbed all 1,311 of them. And I will be toasting my teammates afterwards for their individual accomplishment as well as the big picture: raising money to help fight blood cancer!


Natalie's treasure map...

Walk softly and carry a big stick.
Boys in trees. With guns. As it should be.

And boys dragging branches of fallen trees to throw in moving water... good stuff.

*p.s. did anyone pick up on my post title reference? Can you name the band? Without bing or google, on just your pure musical prowess?


Kate said...

"...I think it was the 4th of July."

Don't I wish...

Can't wait to hear all about your success tomorrow!

Erin said...

B told me last night that he wants to go back there this week- because it's his favorite park.

Holly Gray said...
