Sunday, March 14, 2010

Title Nine

Natalie ate her mint chip gelato, saving all the chips for the end for one big bite of chocolaty goodness.

Brady eating his banana "like a monkey" (stem side down). Weird.

Yes, today I drove to Bellevue for one purpose. I needed a new running bra. And I wanted one that gave them impression that I have 2 boobs, instead of one flat uni-boob. I always felt like a cyclops. But I guess it's better than the alternative.

So the kids and I drove down to Title Nine, which is this really cool catalog (with a few store fronts) I get that has bras that promise to give you 2 boobs but still hold the girls in place. They have a barbell scoring system as to how much each bra can withstand. I walked out with a 4 barbell (the max) called "The 7 Wonders" bra. It's a doozy. I hope it lives up to it's name!

And I couldn't just drive the kids 90 minutes to take them bra shopping without some sort of payoff, so we headed over to one of my old high school friend's home to spend the day playing and shootin the shit. Our kids get along great, Dan and I are old pals that dish it out as much as we take it, and his wife Cindy is just terrific. I do have to shame Dan a bit, he knows I've got the climb in 6 days and he brought home 5 pints of gelato... dirty trick. I think maybe someone on my team paid him off to sabotage me or something. Highly suspicious behavior.

After we exhausted our welcome there, we stopped by my brothers new place to see him and Nicole and her son Aidan. We had a great but short visit, and I am still kicking myself for not coming up with Richard's nickname (on his video games) on my own. I was always distracted by calling him "little dicky" as it was demeaning and funny so I took great pleasure in calling him that for years. But then the name "Dickard" a hybrid of Richard and Dick... genius. Man I wish I could claim it as my own creation.

The kids almost made it to Stanwood before slumber took over, so I had double duty of hauling them upstairs and putting them to bed, which I secretly love because they are so peaceful and I sneak lots of kisses on their foreheads when I lay them down.
Richard, Aidan, and Brady entranced by the game Little Big World (or something like that).

Gabby missed me. Lots. In the middle picture Gabby knocked the sunglasses off my head and there is a blur on my chest, that's another dog: Cayanne.

I can't believe I'm posting this picture of me on the Internet.

Gabby, Natty, Mommy.

A baby Sugar Glider. Don't ask.


Erin said...

I wish there was someone out there willing to promise me 2 boobs for the price of a bra. I'm jealous.

Kate said...

I'm sporting the uniboob too and need a "lift and separate" type. I may have to visit that store before RnR. But that would be hazardous to my checkbook as I LURVE their stuff.

Elizabeth, Jackson and Thomas said...

I'm with Erin.:)