Thursday, April 29, 2010

FIG Discussion

Some rubbery fabric sculpture outside of the Lightcatcher building.

Tonight I went to the "discussion" about the new Children's museum. I felt like I spent the money on my membership and I have been pretty vocal in my disappointment in the Fig and I don't like complaining and then doing nothing but complaining. So I did my duty and spoke my voice (it didn't even shake!). I did the ol' 'pat on the back and kick in the ass' method of speaking: I told them what I love and appreciate about the building and layout, and what I felt they failed us on, not only in the FIG (Family Interactive Gallery) but in the actual art museum itself.

Bottom line, the majority of us there were displeased and felt misled. And no, we didn't expect a play area for the kids, but we did expect an area that was stimulating and educational and fun since children learn most when they don't realize they're learning. And I have to say (hey, I did say) that I found it incredibly frustrating to listen to the board complain about the lack of funds as their reasoning for the FIG's shortcomings. Really? Have they never seen the influx of children at other museums? At $7.00 a pop there is A LOT of revenue running through those buildings. So if nothing else, accommodating what the people want would be a huge money maker, and they wouldn't be struggling to find the funds to incorporate the philosophies that they've been so desperately seeking the funding for.
BUT... my kids were in the FIG for over an hour happily playing (of course they each had their own personal babysitter to keep them entertained... Natalie was read story after story "Crickwing the Cockroach" was the title Natalie quoted me of her favorite book, and Brady created a really cool Giraffe out of foam blocks that had to be 9 feet tall) so they were happily entertained at the FIG.

"Be the change you want to see" That is the quote that sums up tonight I think. I sat next to the Bellingham Herald reporter, so we'll see what he has to say in the morning.

More sculptures around Bellingham...

Outside of the Museum... on our way to Mallards.


Kate said...

Good for you speaking up. With as many kids as there are in this town, you'd think they'd do something like the Everett museum.

Erin said...

Thank you for going, you must have run late because I came over all anxious to hear. There must not have been too many kids there...unfortunately the "babysitters" will now report what a wonderful time your children had!

Yana said...

Good for you. We were so displeased back in November that my son and I wrote letters to Ms. Leach, the board, and the City Council. Heard back from NO ONE. Thank you for speaking up on behalf of disappointed families in this town who feel ripped off by the FIG. There is no excuse for their lack of imagination in designing the new space.