Sunday, March 20, 2011

69 Flights, 1311 Steps, 788 Feet of elevation

Today was the day. This year our team more than doubled, which was awesome. And all of our original team returned (which should tell you right there it's not THAT bad) and most of us recruited our siblings.
It was the 25th anniversary of The Big Climb; and this year marks the 20th anniversary of Mike's Uncle Gary's death from Leukemia, the 10th anniversary of losing my dad to ALL, and apparently (insert family drama here) the 1 year anniversary of the death of my cousin JP to leukemia as well. I've also lost my dear Crazy Aunt Larry (Lorraine) to Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

Me and my fella at the top.

Team Falcons and Friends. Almost all of us are from the same high school (South Whidbey Falcons on the island, yes you bet we're here!) graduating from 1987-2012.

Team Huddle Hands.

Team Huddle Feet.
My brother Richard, me and my love.

I love doing these events with him. He makes me so proud.
I love candids of myself. I'm actually pinning a picture of my dad onto my shirt.

Post Pyramid and saying farewell to our falcon friends.
Toasting each other and our our accomplishment, and toasting those we've lost.

I was 1:08 slower than last year (19:55). I am pretty disappointed in my performance, but remember that I climb for reasons bigger than myself. My sweetie did amazing (12:27), shaving over a minute off of his time, and my brother impressed me by crossing the finish line in under 14 minutes.
Once my heart rate returned to normal (my legs feel just fine, my speedy heart is what slows me down) the sweat started to bead up on my face. My doctor has prescribed me Retin-A for my skin. And HOLY MOLY sweat and Retin-A do NOT mix! Yeowch! But it I tried to wipe the sweat from my face it was like rubbing sand on a sunburn!
Until next year...


Kate said...

Congratulations! Way to go Falcons!

Erin said...

Anything under an hour makes me proud! Please tell Mike he has to take a photo of you at the top next year, just to remind me why I sit on my bum while you do all the heavy lifting :)

FeloniS.Assalt said...

So proud of you, as usual ;)

Heather said...

Hey, I have a friend who took just over an hour to do it and I'm just as impressed with her as anyone else out there DOING it.
And the picture of me at the top is terrible, elevation gain, tasting blood, burning-sweaty-red face is not something I'm willing to post no matter what I did to look that way!
Be prepared Erin, our goal is to recruit one person a year...