Monday, March 7, 2011

Our Weekend (two seperate tales)

Adult Version (don't worry, it's still PG):
We headed to Bremerton Thursday night to deliver Jet City Rollergirls Track for the Wild West Showdown. 3 days of derby, derby and more derby. Oh and some Merby too. That's man-derby. There was a team there who had one skater (Merby Dick) who was 71 and a 3rd generation derby player! He was inspirational to watch. I also got to watch the always amazing Bellingham Boy Scott Slamilton who is small and spry and along with Quadzilla (who lives up to his name) made for some hard-hitting fast merby. Smelly too.

Quadzilla getting a whip from... Hollywood?

That's my boyfriend... ain't he cute in pink?

There was a lot of this around the venue. A lot.

This "woman" wore this turtleneck ALL weekend. And didn't have a woman's voice. Hmmmm... And these two are a couple too. What scares me most about this picture is that she is looking directly at me as I snapped it. Oops!
I was running the scoreboard for a particular bout when the scorekeeper "Rainman" sat down next to me and proceeded to roll out his pen and pencil collection. He took great care in which pencil he selected for this particular bout. He also wore a bowtie each day of the bout and duct taped a pencil protector onto his t-shirt when he had to work on the floor. In-ter-es-ting.

Coming back to the hotel the 2nd night our pillows were arranged creatively. The housekeeper must have come to our room at the same time her favorite show was on or something, because our pillows were fluffed and packed and stacked with precision.

Random derby jam-line. I think this is Silicon Valley vs. Lava City.
Greta Gurney's Dansko clogs are so kewl.

I have to say we looked pretty cool rollin outta town...