Thursday, March 24, 2011

A week of half days and sunshine.

Any guesses to what this might be? I'll give you a hint: Those are Mike's legs opposite mine...

Me all bundled up Bellingham-style ready to cheer for my sweetie at his softball game...

That got rained out. But I got some supercute little league pictures of him in front of the fire place (but I still think his jersey should say "Heather's" but he does go see Kate at least once a week so I guess I'll let it slide)

The kids and I met Michael at Legion park Tuesday afternoon.

The kids were having a dance party on the trampoline.

Boo and I packed a picnic and walked down to get my kids out of school and had lunch on the playground... they all loved it and it was the perfect way to spend the first warm day of the year.

Brady was showing Natalie how to climb up on the bars and stand (I tolerate him teaching her this because a. he's actually teaching her something and b. doesn't every kid need to learn this stunt?)

So of course after Natalie mastered it, she passed her newly-lernt skillz down to Makenzie.


Erin said...

Oh I have a very unpleasant memory of standing on a bar and it did not end well. I hope the manage to fall OFF when they slip :)