Monday, July 6, 2009

Quick Question

My friend Beka just sent me an email, and made me laugh and also made me want to see what people would answer about me. So here's the question:
If you saw ME in the back seat of a police car, what would you think I got arrested for?
Think of your answer before reading other comments!


Kate said...

You would totally be there for resisting arrest or for arguing with the officer. You're just too sassy! LOL

p.s. Which is why you have my undying allegiance.

Erin said...

Whomping one of those little punks of yours.

t said...

I'd be too busy making a phone call to find out to think about it ;)

Jen said...

I would think your mouth got you in trouble

Anonymous said...

Sskkkiiinnnnnnnnnyyyyyy dippin'

Jackie said...

Well, If I saw YOU in the back seat of a cop car, you would probably see ME in the same back seat and I probably got you there.