I was stunned, literally speechless today when I heard Natalie sneeze in the other room and then she walked in carrying a booger encrusted... button!
She stuck this button up her nose on Memorial Day. That was over 3 months ago. Now I wonder if I should call the doctor to make sure she doesn't have a sinus infection from having a foreign object stuck up her nose for months.
And here is my wonder mom moment: She has complained about it several times over the months, but I poo-pooed her (I felt I should after getting poo-pooed from the on-call nurse) and just told her it was a booger stuck up there, that there is no way that the button was still in her nose. I mean, it's not like I didn't search high and low for the button, and felt her nose for something hard every time she complained. And I blamed her wild imagination, because every time she would have the sniffles she would complain about the button, you know how kids like to relive incidents over and over again, right?
I can't believe it was still up there. How the heck did that happen? It's like when a baby is born, you wonder how that thing came out of you know where!
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