Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Daddy 'Do

The image of my heart breaking a little each day... Mr. Independent.
Daddy talked her into pigtails today. I L-O-V-E her in pigtails. They were gone when I picked her up from school (even the teacher got a picture!).

Today was the first day of 2009 that I felt comfortable enough (temp wise) to walk over to Brady's school today. It was very mild, and would have been pleasant if it hadn't been for Natalie incessant crying and whining about her exhaustion all the way home (and I carried her half-way there!) That girl is l-a-z-y sometimes. I figure she's going to be the one cheering instead of the one being cheered when it comes to sports.
Tomorrow should prove to be interesting; Natalie and I have a hot date with Mr. Huggins at the pool (mommies helping mommies not look like they're mommies) so that Carly can swim some laps (and maybe me too). Then Brady has the trifecta playdate set up: Cole and Cameron are coming home with us after school. I figured one last house demolishing before I have to clean for the weekend festivities.
I think I'll start taking my Canadian drugs now...