Friday, February 13, 2009

Sugar cookies and Sistahs

We had a jam packed day today... after work I dropped my car off for an oil change and then went for a quick hike with Corinna. About 3/4 through our hike, the shop called and said my car was done, so we decided just to walk over and get it. It was another 1.5 miles away. This extra effort justified the several sugar cookies we gorged on as well as the huge dinner at Billy McHales. I still hurt.

Cookie decorating takes on a whole new meaning with a teenage girl in the house (black nail polish on cookies??!!)
Aiden and Amelia stopped by to help us decorate. Don't worry Amelia, I didn't tell your mama how much icing you ingested ;) Skeletor came by too, he ate some of the flesh colored hand cookies.

The kids couldn't keep their bodies off of Corinna, they only get to love her up a couple times a year!