Saturday, March 14, 2009

Acute Destroyer makes her debut as a Betty

A preview of the quality of most of my photos of the evening. I hate gymnasium lighting.
A wipe out during The Cog Blockers vs. The Camaro Harem bout.

Acute Destroyer in action.

The Cog Blockers warming up. Acute Destroyer (Chloe) is in the center.

Scott Slamilton, the coach for the Flash. He wore a lovely blue velour and sequined one-piece, and was very graceful on the track.

After a whole lot of chaos; my mom, Tracy, and I ended up going to the bout while Josh stayed with the kids. Everyone seemed happy with the way that worked out. Josh wasn't dragged some some place embarrassing, and my kids got pizza and Josh, which is heaven to them.
Chloe (aka Acute) did great and her team (the Bettie's are broken down into 3 teams) the Cog (not cock) Blockers ended up winning their bout against Flash (they had the coolest Wonder Woman costumes).
You know how you're the person who always says "I never win anything" because most people don't win consistently? Well Tracy has the opposite problem; she wins all the effing time, which I don't have a problem with since I've been known to reap the benefits from her good luck from time to time. They had a raffle at the bout to raise money for the food bank. Tracy went over and bought a few tickets. They started drawing for goodie bags, tickets to bouts, etc. She was drawing dead. But wait! They have a Grand Prize! 2 season tickets to the Bettie's (face value of $120). Yup. She won 'em. I hope she takes me to at least one more bout! Next time I'm making her put her hair in pin curls and I'll wear a french twist, we'll look fabulous!
I forget sometimes how much fun it is to go to sporting events (that I'm actually interested in). My back is all knotted up from sitting in the bleachers, but I had a great time with two of my favorite people.