Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bad ass in spandex

Being a cyclist means you get yelled names like "Faggot" a lot and have bottles of liquid tossed at you from time to time. You always hope it's only water. Larry takes all this in stride, especially when the people usually taunting you (or trying to purposely run you off the road, a little thing I like to call attempted murder) are big red necks in logging trucks or white trash in their POS cars, and have no hope of ever being athletic or earth-friendly and feel the need to cut down others that are both.
I hear about confrontations from time to time, but mostly I only hear the stories of "some jerk..." without any resolve.
Today Larry was on his way home from his ride and was cruising down Woburn (downhill). Larry was doing the speed limit and some guy decided to make a left hand turn into his lane. Then the guy stopped. So Larry had to slam on his brakes. The guy yells something incoherently and drives off. Problem is, there is a stop light at the bottom of the hill. And guy's dirty girlfriend has the window rolled down smoking (with small children in the back seat). So Larry pulls up and stops at their window. "Is there something you'd like to say to my face?" he asks. The guy replies that "there is a effing sidewalk there", like that's where Larry should have been riding his bike at 35mph. Larry informed him that it is illegal for him to ride his bike on the sidewalk, and by the way, my bike is worth more than your entire car, so I'd use a little more common sense the next time he tries to pull a stunt like that. The guy didn't say another word.
tee-hee. I love it when Larry tells me stories of catching people being assholes and calling them on it.


t said...

Just another reason why we love him!

Kate said...

Awesome! I actually saw Larry and his buddies down at the Starbucks on Railroad yesterday morning. I think one of them needed the potty. :)

Brooke said...

Good for Larry, I wish I was brave enough to confront some of those aholes but I might get pounded. Larry is bigger than me. ;)