Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I'm no Bakerella

So tonight I decided that I would make cake pops from Bakerella for Natalie's Easter party tomorrow at school (a huge perk about sending your kids to a Christian preschool, the actually celebrate the holidays! Now if I could just get them to stop teaching my children about how Jesus saved them... oh stop).

I also decided that the chick cake pops looked simple. For the most part they were. It's just my artistry skills that suck. So here are Bakerella's chicks:

And here are mine:

She's also got me beat in photography of said chicks. Oh well, I don't think 24 4-year-olds will really be disappointed in my crappy chick skills; I mean come on, it's cake dipped in candy!


Jen said...

I think they look pretty good. I don't even attempt that kind if stuff b/c I'm no baker (you should know!)

Kate said...

Not too bad! Remember, Bakerella does this stuff every day practically. I can't wait to make some next week!

Brooke said...

Those are so cool! I think you did a pretty good job on them! I think I might give it a try this week!

Lyndie said...

They rock!! Nice job! I make cake pop eye balls for Halloween - 3 got about finished and gave up....too much freakin work!