Saturday, April 25, 2009

Whirling Dervish

I've been neglecting my blog and feeling quite guilty over it, but I've been feeling ill for 2 weeks now; and on top of that I've been working, babysitting, cleaning, and preparing for my garage sale today! So now that the garage sale is said and done (and a nice little wad of cash in my pocket, but it's slated for summer camp for Natalie) it looks like life may slow down again.
I'm hoping to tour the tulips in the next couple of days... and work on my yard too, pending my health! I woke up this morning and the left side of my face was swollen from my headache, I looked like Quasimodo (without the humpback)!
Natalie just came in and said she made a telescope for Grandma "cuz she's a pirate". Huh, I thought I had a strange childhood, now I may know why ;)