Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Funny or Die

My heart broke a little when Prop 8 passed in California. I just had a discussion about it today at work (with nothing but silence from my conservative christian co-worker). I'm calling Bullshit on those who voted for this. Boo! I could rant and rave until I am blue in the face, and dare you to disagree with me afterwards without looking like a fool. What on earth changes my marriage when someone else (gay or straight) gets married too? And who are we (straight people) to say we need to "protect marriage"? Last time I checked, the divorce rate was around 50%. Sounds like we're a good judge on who should get married. I also watched a video of a proposition to ban divorce. Apparently they took all of the verbiage from Yes on 8 and switched it from saying homosexual to divorce. I'll step off my soapbox and go to bed now. Enjoy the video (I {heart} Neil Patrick Harris by the way).

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die